Glasgow Architecture Social Media Channels, Scottish design online, Scotland architects facebook, twitter
Social Media Channels for
facebook, twitter, pinterest, tumblr: Scottish Architecture Resource – west of Scotland buildings online.
Architecture Social Media
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e-architect – our partner site’s profile!
tumblr: – our partner site’s page!
this was removed in 2019, after google abandoned this project
Glasgow Architecture Website Team
The website is directed by Adrian Welch & Isabelle Lomholt with assistance by Daniel, and in the past by David and Cole.
Adrian writes the website articles and most of the facebook posts and tweets.
Isabelle controls the database, admin & finance and arranges guest editors for the weekly editions.
Daniel posts architectural projects, processes images and assists with technical areas such as software.
The key team members in a bit more detail:
Adrian Welch
Adrian completed his Architecture degree in 1992 at Manchester University and graduated from The Bartlett School of Architecture in 1995 with a Diploma in Architecture.
He has worked for architects such as Eva Jiricna, Sir Terence Conran, Richard Murphy, RMJM and Sutherland Hussey.
Isabelle Lomholt
Isabelle Lomholt completed her Architecture degree in 1995 at North London University.
She has worked for Hunt Thompson (London), GRD (Malaysia) and the EAA (Edinburgh).
Isabelle was the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland bookshop manager, before becoming the Edinburgh Architectural Association’s Administrator. Both jobs were located in the RIAS offices in Rutland Square in the heart of the Scottish capital city.
David McManus
David McManus is currently studying HND Interactive Media (Web Development) and manages many aspects of the website from technical issues to images and social media.
Glasgow Architecture Design
Contemporary Glasgow Property Designs – recent Strathclyde architectural selection below:
New Strathclyde Building Designs
Contemporary Strathclyde Building Designs – recent architectural selection from e-architect below:
BBC Headquarters in Scotland, south side of the River Clyde
Hazelwood School, Dumbreck, southwest of the city centre
Burrell Museum – contains the Burrell Collection, Pollok Country Park, south east of the city centre
Comments / photos for the Scottish Architecture Social Media page welcome