CBD in the UK and Europe legal situation tips, Online cannabidiol advice, Phytocannabinoid guide

CBD in the UK and Europe: the legal situation

8 August 2022

Although the CBD market is constantly growing, there is still a lot of confusion about the legal situation in this area in the European laws and CBD regulations context.

In reality, the confusion is only in the media because the legislation on CBD is relatively straightforward and is supported by the many studies that testify to the benefits of this substance.

CBD in the UK and Europe legal guide

Today, the European market is full of CBD-based products of all kinds: from cosmetics to drugs, from foods to drinks, from candies to herbal teas, oils … If you want to learn more about CBD oil and its benefits, read here!

We see below to shed some light on the legal situation of the CBD in Europe and Italy, trying to dissolve clouds of disinformation that obscure this matter.

CBD in Europe

Hemp crops are the origin of all CBD products and the latter does not contravene any current legislation as they are low in THC and rich in CBD.

THC, as known, is the psychoactive molecule present in the plant, which gives psychotropic effects, while CBD only offers health benefits thanks to its pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, relaxing effects …

The CBD market in Europe has surpassed 500 million euros and, as far as the global CBD oil market is concerned, it has exceeded 30%. So, we are talking about Europe not as a spectator in this area but as a protagonist.

Community laws consider the production, marketing and industrial use of all products derived from cannabis or hemp to be regular, as long as the THC rate does not exceed 0.2%.

There have been frictions with national laws in the past, but these tensions, between European and federal regulations, were quickly resolved by adapting to the former.

CBD oil product advice

Switzerland, for example, is a bit more forgiving as it considers CBD products legal even with much higher THC rates: 1%. Germany was a little slow to legislate on the subject but adapted to the EU context. As well as Denmark and Sweden.

The position of France is singular: this country is, in fact, the largest European producer of hemp and one of the most important in the whole world, but within its borders, only hemp seeds and fibres can be marketed and used industrially.

As a result, the largest European hemp producer is forced to buy CBD from other European partners because national laws currently prohibit it from extracting CBD.

The Italian situation – the leading European CBD-trading country

The argument for legal cannabis in the country has been exploited in every way. The result? A total confusion has led to putting CBD with Marijuana and all other hard drugs in the same bundle.

Concepts bordering on the absurd were introduced into the discussion, even by important institutions, which did not favour clarity.

Fortunately, a few specific regulatory references have been included that have worked as a lifeline: Law 242, which has opened the production and marketing of light cannabis, is undoubtedly a fundamental pillar for this matter.

In fact, since then, thousands of dedicated shops and vending machines have been opened in Italy. As a result, the Country’s turnover at the end of 2018 exceeded 40 million euros.

To create confusion, however, came a sentence from the Court of Cassation in the Spring of 2019. This sentence, probably due to genuine ignorance on the subject, introduced a rather singular concept into the discussion: “doping efficacy”.

The cannabis light market was moving more than 150 million euros a year. This ruling made the whole environment tremble because it called into question the principles underlying the law 242.

Thanks also to the presence of European regulations, Law 242 resisted and avoided going after the bizarre ideas of the Supreme Court for which hemp could be produced with a THC rate of less than 0.6%. Still, then its derivative products could not be sold.

CBD for your lifestyle help guide

To date, the sale of weakened cannabis and related derivatives is entirely legal in Europe.

The products must respect specific principles. Always check the seriousness of the retailer and buy only from those who give you guarantees on the product, such as the Justbob.shop e-commerce, which maintains almost non-existent THC rates.

The content of tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, must be kept between 0.2% and 0.6%. So, the Country is also a little more tolerant of European regulations.

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