Styling Items Inside Glass Cabinets Kitchen Advice, Home Interior Tips, Property Decor Style

Styling Items Inside Glass Cabinets in a Kitchen

22 July 2020

Styling Items Inside Glass Cabinets

Glass cabinets truly make a huge difference in a space, but they’re particularly special when you use them in your kitchen. Why? Because they allow you to use your kitchen supplies, such as plates, glasses, mugs, bowls, etc., as decorations. They stop being something merely functional and become something else. However, that can only happen if you style the items, which is what we’ll be discussing today!

Styling Items Inside Glass Cabinets that Make Your Kitchen More Fascinating

Why Should Your Cabinet front Make of Glass?

Styling Items Inside Glass Cabinets

If you’re thinking about glass cabinets but you still can’t make up your mind, let’s discuss the reasons why they’re a great idea. First, they have a great aesthetic; they look classic and elegant, not to mention there’s something beautiful about its simplicity.

What’s more, these cabinets will truly open up your kitchen, making it look cleaner and brighter. Another great benefit is that these cabinets won’t break the bank! They’re very affordable. And if you don’t want to purchase them, you can repurpose your kitchen cabinets (depending on how they’re built) without too much work or investment.

What Items to Place Inside Glass Cabinets

Styling Items Inside Glass Cabinets

Your kitchen glass cabinets should store the items that you use every day. After all, that’s their function. Don’t make the common mistake of thinking that this type of cabinet is only made to display things you don’t use on a daily basis. That would make the cabinets impractical and purely decorative, which is not the goal here.

The goal is to make your kitchen look more stylish and fascinating without sacrificing functionality. The best way to enjoy these cabinets is to use them to store all the things you use daily; plates, glasses, mugs, bowls, and more! But what if the things I own are not cute? That’s not the point! The point is working with what you have and making things look interesting by keeping them orderly. You can upgrade your kitchen items if you want, but you don’t have to make these cabinets work.

Styling with Plate Racks

Styling Items Inside Glass Cabinets

The first thing you want to get organized when you have glass cabinets is the plates. Now, you need to understand that your plates don’t need to be fancy and there’s no reason why you should replace them for this purpose. You can if you want to if you think it’s time for a change. But if you’re happy with your current plates, you need to recognize their charm. They can be different sizes, different patterns, different colors; that’s the fun of it.

When you put your plates together, however different they may be, they will look great on the cabinets. To do that, you need to have plate racks. You can find them made in different materials, so it’s up to you which one you choose. I simply recommend you make sure the plate racks cover the width of the cabinets. Then, all you need to do is place your plates on it in the pattern that appeals to you the most. You can order them by size or not, play with the orders of colors and patterns and I assure you they will look great.

Styling with Beautiful Glasses, Cups, and Mugs

Beautiful Glasses, Cups, and Mugs in kitchen

When you want to style your glass cabinets with glasses, cups, and mugs, you need to start with the ones you use. You want to have a shelf for glasses and another for cups and mugs, or a shelf for each if you have enough of each to fill each shelf. Line them up and leave the ones you use every day on the front of the shelf because those are the ones you’ll be grabbing more often. You can order them by sets of 6 or whatever number the size of your cabinet allows.

Again, you can play with the way you arrange glasses, cups, and mugs. You can do this by color, by shape, by material or by the use you give them. For example, you can divide your cups and mugs into the ones you usually use to drink tea and the ones you usually use to drink coffee or cocoa. It’s just an idea, but remember to exercise your creativity. You want the cabinets to look according to your aesthetic, so make use of that!

Styling with Magnanimous Pitchers and Bowls

Home Pitchers and Bowls style

Styling your cabinets with larger containers such as pitchers and bowls is possible. You just need to make sure the space in the cabinets is enough for these items to be stored in a way that you find most pleasant. Again, you can have pitchers and bowls of different sizes and colors, the trick is to place them in a way that fits your aesthetic.

I recommend you style your bowls by matching them with similar smaller plates. You want to layer the bowls on top of the plates and you want to have fun with how you match these things together. It can help you create a colorful and attractive stack of bowls and plates that will look amazing from outside the glass.

You can also fill out more of the cabinet’s space by placing plates flat against the back of the cabinet. I recommend you do this with plates that have designs and patterns that you love to look at. As for larger bowls, you can stack the straight if that’s what you like the most or you can turn each bowl differently and place them in different ways so the cabinets look interesting instead of too neat and catchy.

Styling Items Inside Glass Cabinets – Final Words

The types of cabinets we’re discussing today are incredibly popular among people looking to improve their home interior and for good reason! Glass-front cabinets will make your kitchen look a lot more stylish and even create the illusion there’s more space. Perhaps the most wonderful thing about these cabinets is that they allow you to use common objects as decoration. It feels great to unlock the aesthetic of common objects and make your space look unique!

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