How to Create the Perfect YouTube Channel Advice, Professional uploading videos help guide

How to Create the Perfect YouTube Channel Guide

5 Oct 2020

The first step of your YouTube career is registering on the platform and creating a channel. After you have completed this, you are ready to start uploading your videos. However, before doing so, you need to make your channel look professional so that you can attract many users from the very beginning. Of course, if you visit the best site to buy subscribers, you will be able to start growing your channel immediately. Apart from this, make sure that you follow all of the following secrets to make your YouTube channel perfect.

How to Create the Perfect YouTube Channel – 9 Steps

Step 1: Find your Niche

How to Create the Perfect YouTube Channel

One of the first things that you need to do is determine the niche of your channel. This could be your hobby, something that you are passionate about, or even something that you have professional experience on. No matter the case, though, it should always be something that interests you as it will be the main topic of your channel.

After finding your niche, you can research other channels to find out the type of content that the users want to watch. Moreover, it will also influence the channel art and the general aesthetic you are going to adopt. For example, Blossom’s channel art represents its niche and you can easily understand it with just a glance.

Step 2: Write a Channel Description

The next step for the completion of your channel is to fill in its “About” section. This is the place where the users that stumble upon your channel will read to find out more about you. For this reason, it is important to write a well-thought description that represents the tone of your videos. If, for example, you are creating entertaining videos, your description should also be written in the same style. In addition to this, you can use this space to introduce yourself and reveal some things about yourself.

Step 3: Fill in your Contact Information

The “About” section also includes your contact information. In general, you should create an e-mail just for your YouTube channel. You can add this e-mail address to your YouTube channel so that users can easily reach you. This is very useful, especially if you are open to other creators or brands for cooperation, sponsorships, and other deals. However, make sure that you visit the best site to buy subscribers as this number is crucial to your future partnerships.

Step 4: Include any Social Links

The “About” section of your YouTube channel is complete only after you fill in your social media links. In this section, you can include links to every platform you are using and your subscribers can find you. Moreover, you can also add links to other external websites, such as Patreon, and your website or blog. Any links that you add here, will also be displayed in the bottom right corner of your channel art. An added benefit to this is that these will also be helpful to your website’s SEO as they are part of your backlinking.

Step 5: Create Eye-catching Channel Art

After you have added all of the above information, you can start optimizing the first things that a user will see in your profile: the channel art and the profile picture. The channel art must be eye-catching and representative of your whole channel. If you are familiar with graphic design or illustration, you can create one yourself. However, if you are unfamiliar with creating images, it would be a good idea to invest in a professional. The channel art, along with the number of subscribers you have, will influence a user to subscribe to your channel. By uploading a great image and visiting the best site to buy subscribers, you can quickly achieve success.

Step 6: Upload a Professional Profile Picture

How to Create the Perfect YouTube Channel

The other thing that a user first encounters in your channel is your profile picture. For this element, you can use a professional photograph of yourself, create a cartoonish version of you, or use your channel’s logo. Markiplier, the famous YouTuber, is using a cartoon profile picture to great success. No matter what style you choose, though, make sure that it’s professionally done. This element of your YouTube channel is even more important than your channel art as users will also see it during their search on the platform.

Step 7: Use Consistent Thumbnails

Another thing that will truly make your YouTube channel stand out is the video thumbnails that you are using. In more detail, the custom thumbnails that you upload should all be consistent and representative of your brand. An easy way to do that is to keep the same color palette and fonts on all of your images. Moreover, you shouldn’t forget to add your channel’s logo and maybe add a screenshot of yourself. A great thumbnail is usually enough to drive traffic to your channel. However, you shouldn’t neglect to visit the best site to buy subscribers to boost your chances.

Step 8: Find a Catchy Tagline

How to Create the Perfect YouTube Channel

A thing that will make your channel stand out is the tagline. This small phrase is a great promotion strategy that lets users know the theme of your channels. As you can see in the image, Extra Credits’ tagline is “Because Learning Matters”. This tagline informs that channel’s visitors that the videos will be educational as the channel creators value knowledge. Remember to place the tagline in your channel art, as well as your channel trailer.

Step 9: Shoot Videos of Similar Length

Another element that will add a branded look to your YouTube channel is the uniformity of your videos. Apart from the consistent thumbnails, the videos should also be of a similar length. In general, the optimal length for content on this platform is around 10 minutes. However, you might notice that your audience responds better to shorted or longer videos. When you spot the best length for your case, make sure that you stick to it.

Follow all of the above steps to customize your YouTube channel and make it look perfect. The best site to buy subscribers is available to you in every step that you make to offer you quality services that will expand your channel.

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