7 Property Investment ideas for beginners guide, Real estate investing tips, Home buying

7 Property Investment ideas for Beginners: investing money

11 April 2022

Investing in property is considered a safe and stable investment, which is why many individuals choose to invest in the property market. Estate agents in Leeds agree that investing in the property market is a great way to secure a decent return on investment and ensure a profit, in the long run or short run. However, investing in the property market requires in-depth research of the market, understanding the market trends as well as understanding buyer and seller behaviour, knowing how the supply and demand cycle works and of course, common sense.

For seasoned investors, investing in the property market might seem like a piece of cake, but it isn’t as easy as it looks. Beginners who are thinking about investing in the property market must do their due research and make sensible investments. Again, that is easier said than done. Here are 7 property investment ideas for every beginner who is thinking about investing in the property market, before actually putting any money into their investment.

7 Property Investment ideas for beginners

7 Property Investment ideas For Every Beginner before investing money in it?

1 Become a property manager

Property management is a pretty difficult job that will teach you everything that you need to know about owning property, without actually investing in property. A property manager has many responsibilities, such as collecting rent, ensuring timely rent, maintaining the property, ensuring proper upkeep and managing repairs. Property managers are also expected to be available in case of an emergency. In essence, property managers are like landlords, just without their name on the lease agreement. If you are thinking about becoming a landlord, then dipping your feet into property management might give you a fair idea of what to expect in the future.

2 Consider working as a freelance estate agent

By working as a freelance estate agent, you will be able to understand the property market and gain in-depth knowledge, which will be of invaluable help once you decide to start investing in property. Also, a freelance estate agent will earn the same commission as an estate agent, or maybe slightly less. Keep in mind that potential buyers are not going to pay you a commission for a property that is already listed on the market, so you need to try to find unlisted properties or properties that are going to be listed soon. That way, once you connect the seller to the potential buyer, you will be able to earn a commission once the deal goes through.

3 Try real estate wholesale

Essentially, real estate wholesale is a way for beginners to enter the property market without actually investing in the property market. Basically, you find a property that you believe might be underpriced. You then enter into an agreement with a seller, where you sell the property at a higher value, thus earning a profit. This will help beginners understand the property market and learn how to negotiate.

4 Invest in real estate stocks

One of the easiest ways to invest in the real estate market without actually buying a property is by investing in real estate stocks. There are so many real estate stocks that are available, and it is a great way to diversify your portfolio. Any earnings from a real estate stock or mutual fund will be dependent on market conditions such as demand and supply, interest rates, market demographics and so on. This is a great way to invest in the property market and reap the benefits of the property market, even if you do not have a sufficient budget to currently invest in the property market. In the UK, investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts is actually pretty popular among real estate beginners.

5 Think about flipping properties

Flipping properties is a good way to enter the real estate market without putting too much money on the line. Essentially, you buy an underpriced property or a run-down property that needs some fixing. A few touch-ups here and there, a brand new coat of paint, a few changes in the interiors and you will have a property that now looks and feels brand new. Then, you list this property on the market and sell it for a profit. Essentially, the concept of flipping houses is pretty easy. However, the main thing to keep in mind when it comes to flipping properties is that you buy a good property that is sturdy and has no structural defects. That way, you do not have to spend too much money on fixing damages or repairs.

6 Try investing on crowdfunding platforms.

Real estate crowdfunding platforms allow companies and builders to raise money from individuals. In return, these companies and builders will give their investors a share of debt or equity, or both. While some crowdfunding sites are specifically for high net individuals, others allow investors to invest as little as £500. Based on the type of portfolio you want, the crowdfunding platform will diversify your investment which in turn will give you monthly or quarterly returns. However, keep in mind that such investments will usually give a decent return on investment after 4 or 5 years, so think of this as a long-term investment.

7 Become a landlord

The best way to enter the property market is by buying a property and putting it on rent. That way, you have a certain monthly rental that is coming in every month which you can use to cover expenses and even pay back the mortgage. In order to be a good landlord and earn a decent profit, you need to invest in the right property. Understand the market and choose the area that you want to invest in, wisely.

Figure out what type of property you want to buy – it could be a studio apartment, a three-bedroom apartment or a two-bedroom house. You need to plan your purchase based on the supply and demand in the area. Once you have bought the property, try to find good tenants. As long as your tenants are paying their bills on time, you will be able to pay off your mortgage and you will have successfully climbed onto the property ladder.

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